Thursday, July 19, 2007

When is it safe to swim?

As stated in the Austin Statesman, Steve Gilpatrick was struck just recentley with a life-threatning disease. After taking annual summer trips to the Galveston coast, Steve and his family were in for a shock of their lives. Three days after Steve was on a fishing trip swimming he came down with a terrible pains all over his body. He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, a tissue-destroying disease caused by a bacterium called Vibrio vulnificus. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the bacterium Vibrio vulnificus thrives during summer months in the Gulf of Mexico. Being a diabetic and having an ulcer on his leg made Steve a higher risk of obtaining this rare disease. He fights for his life as doctors try preventing anymore organ failures and saving his leg from having to be removed. If this disease is known then why are some still not taking the precautions. This article should be read and taken seriously because I would have never guessed there was a specific time of the year that is considered high risk for some type of people to swim. Also, having knowledge on this type of information gives a person more of a warning of what to be more cautious with.This disease is deadly and has taken lives in the past. In my opinion, if your going to take the risk, be smart about it.
For the complete article see:

1 comment:

Kris S. Seago said...

Hi Heather, Good start. Two things:
1) Add ALL the suggested sources (including the newspapers) to your blog roll. You may want to separate them into two page elements (newspapers and blogs).
2) Aesthetically, it's more pleasing to use embedded links. For instance, you can have a link like or one like this The Living Debate. The latter is more visually pleasing.